I will entertain direct assignments from verifiable clients—I do so on a regular basis with a significant, long-standing clientele—but it costs no more for you to work with one of my agents. I happily pay them commissions from my proceeds because they do most of the administrative work. Moreover, working with one of my agents provides both you and me with certain protections and rights, and it frees me to do what I do best: speak on your behalf.
Josh Miller or Laura Adducci
(exclusive representation in Colorado)
Phone: 303-623-2723
Email: info@govoices.com
Rick Estimond
Phone: 404-874-6448
Email: talentinfo@peoplestore.net
Shane Cormier, CEO
Phone: 888-800-8070 Ext 1
Email: shane@idiomtalent.com
Mark Lipsky, CEO
Phone: 800-969-2636
Email: contact@theradioagency.com